Neujahr Frühstück
2. Korinther 5:17 Darum: Ist jemand in Christus, so ist er eine neue Kreatur; das Alte ist vergangen, siehe, Neues ist geworden!
Frohes Neues Jahr! Happy New Year!
What a blessing to be able to make it through another year!Good times and hard times went by, we laughed and we cried, we got upset and than we saw the sun again. A lot have changed and some things remaind the same but there was only one constant in our life and we should never forget that. Jesus loves us! He is by our side at any moment, He hears us and understands us. Our Joy is also His joy and our victories are also His.
The aknowledgement of His love, the victory over the last year difficulties and the excitment of the year to come were all with a New Year breakfast celebrated.
Dem Herrn sind wir dankbar!
Alexandra Mare