English Information on the William-Booth-House
1. Übergangshaus: halfway house
- Target group: men who have special social difficulties
- f. e.: being homeless, unemployment, debts, mostly a kind of addiction, psychological problems, health problems
- Are not able to overcome difficulties without help
- Come from: year long living on street, hospitals/rehab, imprisonment, divorce from partner, counselling, day drop in etc
- Structure: one-bed room, self suppliance, common rooms,
- Each man has a social worker who helps them to find an adequate solution and change their situation, in ca. 6 months time
- Halfway House has space for 26 men, and employs 4 social workers, we take in men from all over the country
2. Ambulante Betreuung BEW: out-patient treatment
- same target-group but, they are not homeless (but are threatened with homelessness), otherwise same social difficulties
- or moved from halfway house into own apartment and need some adapting help
- we serve women also in this type
3. Therapeutische Wohngemeinschaft TWG: therapeutical residential community
- target group: men with long term alcohol addiction but trying or willing to live abstinent and/or have psychiatric health problems, in addition to social difficulties (mentioned above) who are not able to supply for themselves or live without in- house help
- it is part of the social psychiatric health system of Bezirk Charl./Wilmersdorf which rules that their must be a certain number of services for people in this target group
- help: in very small steps trying to reach the big goal of integration (back) in society
- 14 one bed rooms split in 3 apartments, 2 social workers and 6 care workers
- specialty of this service: 6 healthcare-workers work in shifts so that somebody is there for 24hours a day every day of the year
- those men stay for at least one but regularly over 2 years
4. Verbundwohnen: therapeutical out-patient living
- target group: men and women or couples with long term alcohol addiction willing to live abstinent and/or have psychiatric health problems in addition to social difficulties (mentioned above) who are not able to supply for themselves or live without help
- they should be able to follow appointments and agreements, have successfully had abstinent phases or are willing to at least reduce their abuse
- they should live in district of Charlottenburg/Wilmersdorf
- how we work/ our offers:
- one-to-one appointments with healthcare-provider and socialworker meetings 2 to 4 times a week support with: self-sufficiency, social contacts/behaviour, daily structure and freetime, employment, education, handling psychological issues, crisis intervention, handling medication, handling finances
- we offer 20 placements with currently: one 3-bedroom apartment for 3 people to share (rented by institution and sublet to clients) one 2-bedroom apartment for 2 people to share (rented by institution and sublet to clients) one single apartment with 1 person (self rented)